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Usually used by people named Ilana. An Ilano is when you ask Ilana to do something but, as usual, she is crazy busy. An Ilano is not being flaky, but rather being too nice to say "no" to someone, so instead, Ilana says she is busy but will let you know if things change.

1. "I'd love to watch Lord of the Rings tonight but I have dinner with my cousin and then a club meeting" <-- an Ilano

2. M: "is Ilana coming?"

W: "she said she said she'd try but I think it's an Ilano"

by Broworker October 2, 2019


Usually used by people named Ilana. An Ilano is when you ask Ilana to do something but, as usual, she is crazy busy. An Ilano is not being flaky, but rather being too nice to say "no" to someone, so instead, Ilana says she is busy but will let you know if things change.

1. "I'd love to watch Lord of the Rings tonight but I have dinner with my cousin and then a club meeting" <-- an Ilano

2. M: "is Ilana coming?"

W: "she said she said she'd try but I think it's an Ilano"

by Broworker October 3, 2019