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hurts my soul

A devastating blow of the most extreme measure.

Tim: "Dude I just drank the last Old Style but I saved you a Miller Light (or any inferior beer)".
Brian: "That hurts my soul man".

by Bruce Hornsby August 14, 2007

15👍 4👎

like ya do

As you always do. It is expected.

So I'm fucking this guy in the ass, and I go to give him the reach around, "like ya do". Then I realize he has a hard on. This guy is a fucking faggot.

by Bruce Hornsby August 14, 2007

43👍 15👎

I got cha

To respond to a statement, or a rhetorical question. Usually during a conversation, usually repeated.

"Is that clear"?
"I got cha, I got cha"

"You know what i'm sayin"?
"I got cha, I got cha"

by Bruce Hornsby August 14, 2007

20👍 4👎