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Typically ridiculous.

That things you say are so typdiculous.

by Brumleyprunk June 29, 2022

2👍 1👎


A Sasquatch likeness made from various materials such as clay, cement, resin, etc.

That Castsquatch looks as good as the real thing.

by Brumleyprunk June 28, 2022


Resin castings of human characters such as bobble heads or 💀 ☠️ people.

Those facsimilipeeps of that rock group look just like the humans they represent.

by Brumleyprunk June 30, 2022


Perfume or cologne that makes one smell better. Could also be an air freshener or sorts.

Smellgoodum makes me smell good, uhm?

by Brumleyprunk June 29, 2022


The middle of nowhere.

That town is in the pucklebrush.

by Brumleyprunk August 9, 2024


An electromagnetic pulse capable of wiping out an entire battalion of mosquitoes in a single blast.

That electromagnatomic pulse took out every mosquito within a 10 block radius.

by Brumleyprunk June 28, 2022


Precisely correct.

That statement was correctisely.

by Brumleyprunk July 28, 2022