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ass lint

The lint/fuzz that collects in one's ass crack over a period of time. Composed of excess material from cheap boxers and loose ass/crack hair. Usually found in a tangled mass by itching one's ass crack.

John discovered a massive clump of ass lint buried deep in his ass crack, and flung it at Bryan while typing this.

by Bryan & John May 30, 2006

244👍 53👎

swamp ass

The origin of this problem is the ass crack. Once sweaty it begins to get itchy, like you did not wipe well enough. After it gets unbearable you begin to scratch like crazy, and shortly thereafter your whole ass feels like one big cactus has spanked you for hours.

John and Bryan were walking home at a fast pace; Due to the intense friction, John's ass crack began to sweat and itch. Result, Swamp ass.

by Bryan & John May 30, 2006

406👍 283👎