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A Pony is a person who is new to first and third person shooter games, or just sucks. You can use a "Pony" to keep yourself protected and get kills. By following a Pony around and letting them take point, it allows you to follow behind them and clean up their mess, thus keeping you safe in situations where you probably would have died and allowing you to snake kills from inexperienced players.

I'm gunna follow this Pony around and see how many of his kills I can take.

by BuBlLeS February 23, 2011

4👍 7👎

Kill Snake

Referring to first and third person shooters, a kill snake is someone who, at the last second as the player you are engaging has low health, comes in and takes the kill away from you, thus giving you the assist. Basically they take credit for the kill that you were working to get.

I had that guy dead to rights and this guy came up from the side and kill snaked me.

by BuBlLeS February 23, 2011

2👍 1👎