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A beautiful, cute, and overall great person. Bryanna can be stubborn at times but is very caring. She is very pretty and whenever she walks by you always stare at her. Sarcasm is a part of her. If you like Bryanna back off because she wouldn’t be interested in you. She is very smart and would want to Help you with your grades. If you become friends with a Bryanna then keep her forever you won’t regret it. If you want an honest opinion from her expect it to be heart breaking. Although if she cares about you a lot she’ll keep it to herself. If you share a secret with her she will keep it forever. Bryanna is a great person and you should keep her forever.

E:I’m in love with Bryanna.
E:Yes, but I doubt she likes me. I wish she liked me back.

by Bubbasksksk1515 August 26, 2019