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The maximum amount a person can be sus AKA 8x the regular amount of sus

Evan is Octosus because he cannot spell octopus.

by BuckTheCyclopesDuck April 21, 2022

boomer fish

A boomer fish is a type of fish that has a spider web like design on it's face. This fish is known to spread the Ferbies Disease, that causes blindness, blue poop, numbness in the butt, and ABC's poop. (When you poop out those ABC letter things.) Do not adopt a Bommer Fish, or bad things are to come your way...

"Brettin just adopted a Boomer Fish,"
"He's gonna go blind now."

by BuckTheCyclopesDuck January 20, 2018


Mcscooties describes an old hag and there is not many left on Earth. If you find one please call this number on your screen now: 132465879 Bring the animal to the nearest Mcscooties animal shelter. Don't keep it for yourself the animal will attack on a full moon. They are very dangerous, and can cause many different diseases such as: Butt Itch; High Pitched Voice; Foaming at the Mouth; and may cause purple poop. STAY AWAY FROM ALL MCSCOOTIES!! They can cause injury or death.

"Get away from me you Mcscooties!"Tiffany called for help.

by BuckTheCyclopesDuck November 1, 2017