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Cognitive distortion

03/02, 17:06 Gary Santino: Cognitive distortion= emotional reasoning = quickest reflexative naturally existing biological component of the brain/mind architecture. This means fewer calories are required for the open-ended possibility of cerebral/ intellectual reasoning to fully examine any analysis of a topic.
03/02, 17:09 Gary Santino: In turn, mental reflexes generate neural pathways for thought processes to travel along without the necessity to commit a fully integrated process, for energy conservation

Therefore, to distrust your frame of reference, in turn, you end up liberating those knee jerk decision making reactions, which take place because you are predominantly using emotional maps.

What do you think of President X, well I think he's useless because he did this to his family.

Examples of bad parenting skills being used against someone's ability to run a countrys affairs, is a classic piece of cognitive distortion, which can be utilised by a political opponent, within a lazy electorate, who have succumbed to personality politics, not the politics on of itself, because of the immediate dopamine reward the brain delivers for the quickest response possible, without engaging an extensive amount of calories.

by BudgieMuscle1 February 3, 2024


When a ear is so hairy that it grows a beard.

Your ears need to take a trip to the barbershop, your eard is taking over.

by BudgieMuscle1 February 14, 2016

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Linguistic engineering

A covert operation planned to create a long term change in targeted groups slang, urban language. The objective of which can become the outcome of segmenting these groups, so that the creators of these words, can control the narrative and outcomes in the broader more mainstream media.
These outcomes, furthermore lead to a complete new subset of commercial opportunities being borne out this, companies, advertising and support groups.

He understands these issues, that' proven put out , in his mass social following on TikTok, where he's pushing out his merch and making a ton of money. Ever since I knew him, he was into reading books on mindcontrol and stuff like linguistic engineering.

by BudgieMuscle1 February 14, 2024

Shit pickle

A situation where the heat appears to be escalating into a too hot to handle event.

It started really bad as you realised that this was a super hot situation , the ending of which could actually become more painful.

Hence the explanation of a super hot pickle, you have to eat, knowing that when it passes through the other end of you, it creates a truly volcanic mess .

Did you here about the shit pickle that Pete, got himself into with his wife and that lady he he's been seeing at the bar.
Now he' s been kicked out of his house, the lady has disowned him, he's living out of a motel.

by BudgieMuscle1 February 2, 2023

Linguistic turd bombing

The use of a word or term, that is strategically created to manifest its effects in the longer term future. The bomb aspect refers to the explosive nature or affect that devastates the old structures, primarily utilised for social engineering purposes by governments or groups to change the narrative to match their desired outcomes and objectives.

In Nazi Germany, they used Linguistic turd bombs that were at first mild. This strategy was to prepare the population for their secret objectives.
Linguistic Turd Bombs were constantly being dropped into their propaganda Words , so Linguistic Turd bombs like unclean, dirty, soon developed into far more sinister terms such as rats and other dehumanising terms.

This guy is a real Linguistic turd bombing character, always trying to manipulative , to conceal his ultimate goal, when its too late to know where it came from.

by BudgieMuscle1 May 23, 2023

Informational materialism

The strategy of a deployment of frame of references, that are then picked up by the masses, who in turn , run with their own applications of the ideas, surrounding this new concept.

The alternative viewpoint being deployed that, everything is living, simultaneously in sn ever evoving architecture, that is not limited to the sensory world, whereby words and concepts are the only way ,human sensory perception and concepts can be created. Therefore everything will eventually be owned and fed to a person or society by the organiser of the informational materialism and owner of the interface.

Do you want to take the red or the blue pill?
Blue is the known world of informational materialism, where everything is known, colourful and comforting to your emotional frame of reference, or take the Red.
The rabbit hole, whereby you have to figure out your own frame of reference , with no map, but an existential journey, all alone.

by BudgieMuscle1 February 3, 2024

Informational materialism

The strategy of a deployment of frame of references, that are then picked up by the masses, who in turn , run with their own applications of the ideas, surrounding this new concept.

The alternative viewpoint being deployed that, everything is living, simultaneously in sn ever evoving architecture, that is not limited to the sensory world, whereby words and concepts are the only way ,human sensory perception and concepts can be created. Therefore everything will eventually be owned and fed to a person or society by the organiser of the informational materialism and owner of the interface.

Do you want to take the red or the blue pill?
Blue is the known world of informational materialism, where everything is known, colourful and comforting to your emotional frame of reference, or take the Red.
The rabbit hole, whereby you have to figure out your own frame of reference , with no map, but an existential journey, all alone.

by BudgieMuscle1 February 3, 2024