Coded slang confirming the identity of a well-closeted homosexual. Derived from the fact that the vast majority of queers in the US military are "in the navy."
"How'd you know that Randall was in the navy? Well, he is, just like we are."
66👍 35👎
Pre-seminal fluid (aka, "pre-cum")
"Just be careful anyway - you can still get a girl pregnant with dog water!"
616👍 403👎
To vomit at night after a bout of heavy drinking, so that one's vomit
sparkles from the streetlights as it hits the pavement.
"Man, I had to fucking flash on the way to my mother's house last night!"
8👍 18👎
Shortened version of the term "cornhole" - used primarily in the US Rocky Mountain states.
"Girl, you've got such a nice booty - I'd love ta corn ya!"
9👍 18👎
A highly unrefined term for a vagina that is so slack that compressed air escapes from it resulting in a sound not unlike that of a slow, but powerfully rendered fart.
"Yeah, that Char chick is fucking awesome even though she has a flabberpuss."
7👍 3👎
The act of using the semi-hard penis to literally (and laterally) whip the buns of a satiated female after fucking her dog-style. A crude sort of cleansing action, to shake off the spunk right after it's been immersed in the funk.
Circa Central California Mid-Eighties
"That big tit blonde, Betty, likes to get dick whipped as a sign of love."
136👍 94👎
To have taken advantage of someone in either business of personal affairs through deception, deceit or duplicity.
Circa early '70s, US Army
"You didn't get the assignment to Japan that was a part of your enlistment contract? You were buttfucked by your recruiter!"
58👍 23👎