Acronym for Guaranteed Overnight Delivery.
The G.O.D. truck just backed into door 9, can you take 4 skids out of it?
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1 a : the product of the derivative of a function of one variable by the increment of the independent variable b : a sum of products in which each product consists of a partial derivative of a given function of several variables multiplied by the corresponding increment and which contains as many products as there are independent variables in the function
2 : a difference between comparable individuals or classes <a price differential>; also : the amount of such a difference
1 a : of, relating to, or constituting a difference : DISTINGUISHING b : making a distinction between individuals or classes c : based on or resulting from a differential d : functioning or proceeding differently or at a different rate
2 : being, relating to, or involving a differential or differentiation
3 a : relating to quantitative differences b : producing effects by reason of quantitative differences
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