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Stands for Battle Ready Armour. Can be used by both man and woman that can also be weared in daily life.
To equip it you wear it like a helmet and use the hooks to sequre it.

Person1 :Dude ı got hit by a ball yesterday in the head. But thanks to the B.R.A ı didnt feel a think.
Person2 :Wow you are lucky.Theese things are really usefull

by BukadaTR April 27, 2021


Final boss of TED Talks.When you listen every talk,you can finally listen him.

Friend 1:When ı can listen Ted himself talk.
Friend 2:You have to listen every show first.

by BukadaTR September 24, 2020

18👍 3👎


a number that 8 9

Person1: Do you know what 7 did?
Person2: No.
Person1: 7 8 9

by BukadaTR December 11, 2020

7👍 3👎