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running dafuq away

problems too much to handle

straight running dafuq away

by BumStatusYo December 6, 2018


short for fucking or fuckin
synonym fuq’n

i can’t stand lies #fuqn #bullsheeeet

by BumStatusYo December 16, 2018


stop hating at my experiences

i got no problem askin for help #shame

by BumStatusYo January 16, 2019


depression overcoming positive

it's trying to take over #darkwave #thedarkwave

by BumStatusYo December 19, 2018

1👍 5👎


depression is everything

depression is everything #die

by BumStatusYo December 20, 2018

dont die yo

first gamer on the crew to die. seems to always be dyin too quick. seems to always be sayin follow me. can’t lead. won’t follow. why is this mf on the team

why are you in our squad if you’re gonna kill by yourself dont die yo

by BumStatusYo December 16, 2018


so much scars so much hate so much sadness so much broken happiness she’s the love of my broken sadness

you are my everything #harleyquinn

by BumStatusYo December 17, 2018