A dialect used either by people who think they are cool, or hackers (and people pretending to be hackers.) Involves replacing letters with numbers and/or symbols that look like them (and sometimes don't), and often mispelling, changing and abbreviating words. (SoMeTiMeS wRiTtEn LiKe ThIs) Is usually barely readable, and sometimes incoherent.
0Mg D00d U r t3h fu><0r3d! d0nt u kNpW u rn7 spp0zEd 2 sp33k 1337 pN tihs pH0RuM?
162👍 171👎
Someone who practices discrimination based on gender. Can also be used to describe a thing, like a policy or a rule, that discriminates based upon gender.
(Sexists are not gay. (I am not saying gay people cannot be sexist. I am saying that sexists are not gay as a general rule.) If you say that it makes you a homophobe, which is not that different from sexism (in some cases no different), and no better.)
"Men are sexist pigs"
"Women are sexist bitches"
"Sexists are gay"
334👍 345👎
A dish made of milk, eggs, flavoring, and sometimes sugar, boiled or baked until set.
Fuck you, I asked for custard, not bloody wordmayonnaise/word. (Link added becuase most of you probably think mayonnaise is semen.)
130👍 60👎
Impersonal pronoun. (Seriously, things like "cock" and "dave" are really fucking stupid.)
I was on urbandictionary.com but it stopped working.
3👍 11👎
An elephant.
Kid: Hey mummy, let's go and see the dicknose at the zoo!
Mother: Have you been on urbandictionary.com again?!?
24👍 48👎
1. A hacker who is a real retard. They usually hack a site out of "revenge" on the owner.
2. Someone who pretends they are a hacker, when they are really not. They speek wordleet/word. Some will go so far as to find a password another retard left lying aronud on a peice of paper, and if they can figure out what it corresponds to, use it and say they hacked the person.
What a hacktard!
15👍 3👎