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Artsy chick bedded 'eisle '(easily) typically identified by the specific spelling of the word, "easle" with the variant of, "eisle"

Eisele painted teh eisle easily because she was an art student and he was an astronaut

by Butnahtho August 6, 2017

2👍 1👎


Having meme swagger and confidence in one's less than edgelordly ability to display your original dankmemes on the fly in legit life or death internet chat competitive boards or rooms with verified campic grills where the stakes are high and the assertion of said memechismo potential could possibly elevate you to memewizard and win you a bae.

The witty user dat_gap_tho truly won the bae's heart that day when his memechismo dankmeme bested the lowly repost edgelords.

by Butnahtho July 14, 2017