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Storm Horny

A condition that many bowlers experience -- stated simply, a bowler who has unconditional love for Storm Products bowling equipment, and for a good reason, as Storm Products is hailed as one of the best bowling ball manufacturers in the world.

Anthony: Is ten Storm Bowling balls enough?
Nathan: Not if you're Storm horny!

by Buttered Quayle April 23, 2020


1. Perhaps the most vile, horrific word for a woman's vagina.
2. An overused joke in Michael Rosen YouTube Poops.
3. To grab or take something quickly.

1: Man, her snatch was so tight, it took me 10 minutes just to get my dick inside it!
2: Watch YTP: The Michael Rosen Rapid Snatch Expansion by ChickenPika. Holy shit, it's so damn funny.
3: I snatched it from the shelf before anyone else could get it.

by Buttered Quayle January 3, 2019


A gripsack is a tool for ten pin bowlers that, when grasped tightly, emits a powder to help you get better hold on your bowling ball. These are sometimes referred to as a rosin bag.

Mike: Hey, could I use your gripsack?
Jason: Sure, man. Just don't get the powder all over your table.

by Buttered Quayle October 6, 2020


A British texting abbreviation. Unlike the USA who uses LMAO (laughing my ass off), the British use PMSL, which means "Pissed Myself Laughing."

Darnell: Everyone knows 6 is afraid of 7 because 7 ate 9. But why DID 7 eat 9?
Chris: I don't know.
Darnell: Because 9 has to have 3 squared meals a day! Hehe... math jokes.

by Buttered Quayle October 17, 2018

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Going at it

Another term for having sex. This can also connect in a sexual way to orgasms, erotica, and more.

Austin: Dude, I need to bleach my eyes!
Chris: Why is that?
Austin: This afternoon, I opened my parents' bedroom door and saw them going at it on their bed!
Chris: *no words*

by Buttered Quayle October 22, 2018

43πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Bruce Jenner Oil

A term coined by Peg McMinty, referring to automatic (or manual) transmission fluid.

"Alright, we got engine oil on this- oh, this is tranny. Bruce Jenner oil on this side."

by Buttered Quayle November 22, 2021

Judy Hopps Syndrome

A form of internalized bias where a person has an extreme amount of moral posturing, while at the same time refusing to reflect on their own problematic beliefs. Some key aspects of this bias include cognitive dissonance, selective accountability, perceived moral superiority, and resistance to correction.

"I'm honestly glad that Vivienne Medrano finally said something and straight-up told these people to touch grass, but at the same time, you and I both know they're gonna do more classic misogyny 'hysteria' bullshit by claiming that her speaking up about the mess brought back up is her having a 'breakdown.' This internalized misogyny coming from within ostensibly progressive and woman/LGBTQ+/minority friendly spaces really is concerning. It's blatant Judy Hopps Syndrome, because it's so similar to the character's moral posturing."

by Buttered Quayle January 30, 2025