A gayifyed Pubg. Fortnite looks like Pubg Jr. It was made by Epic Games. The game is available on PC, Mac, PS4, PS4 Pro, XBox1,
XBox1 S ,XBox1 X, IOS/IPhone. It's looks like something Disney would make for a video game. The game has 3 modes Squads where there is 90-100 people playing and there are 4 people on your team, Duos where there is 90-100 people playing and 2 people are on your team, and Solos where it is a 90-100 player PVE. When you win you get a Battle Royale and GayShits post about it in their Snapchat Story.
Fortnite player:Hey man wanna play Fortnite
Pubg Player: Fuck you are you gay or something?
Fortnite player: No Fuck you
Fortnite player:Hey do you wanna play Fortnite?
Fortnite player 2: Fuck Yeah go to Tilted.