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A type of sperm, or cum, released by a nigger, which is usually of black color, and is used in many food recepies to add color.

Get me some Shepinorogga please! I need it for the soup!

by Buttfudger30000 December 1, 2023


Used as a form of referring to slavery in a Gen Z manner, as many memes and jokes have risen from this.

Look at this amazing title I wrote for this unit, Slayyyyyyvery

by Buttfudger30000 December 1, 2023


If a completely black zebra is encountered, it is normally referred to as a zigga

Look! Its a Zigga!

by Buttfudger30000 December 1, 2023


The extreme hate for black colored people

help us raise awareness for the niggahate

by Buttfudger30000 December 1, 2023


A machine that cums all over the place where it is being aimed

I just bought the brand new Cumblaster3000!
Omg! Its shooting cum everywhere!

by Buttfudger30000 December 1, 2023


A group of people that are not visible in the dark, and are known for raping unsuspecting people.

Oh no! A Niggxter put his dick inside of me!

by Buttfudger30000 December 1, 2023


To have the ability to jerk off really quickly

I nutquicked all over your mom

by Buttfudger30000 December 1, 2023