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Here is what you need to know if you come to Tennessee from a northern state:

-We can usually pick you out of a crowd. Not in a bad way, but know that we know you're not from around here.

-Tennesseeans are hugely fond of their guns. If you are anti-firearm, you'll definitely be uncomfortable here. We use our guns only for protection and hunting (unless they're a criminal, in which case NO state differs there).

-Staple drinks include sweet tea and Mountain Dew. Staple foods include bacon, grits, and biscuits. These are NOT stereotypes. Cornbread is another big staple food around here.

-Some slang words you'll here: Y'all (which can be used for groups of 2 or more people), Hee Haw (laughing), Buggy (shopping cart), Over Yonder (that can be anywhere, so pay attention to finger points), Younguns (children), Britches (pants), Fixin' to (about to do something), Gussied up (dressed up nicely), Vermin (annoying animals, also used for children).

-Many of the more "redneck" Tennesseans are easily spotted by their use of plaid, flannel, denim, and overalls.

-Almost every person in Tennessee (if they were born and raised here) has known all the words to at least the first couple of verses of Rocky Top since they first started talking. It is very nearly our anthem.

See y'all when you come to town!

Welcome to Tennessee, y'all! Here's you a buggy for your grocery shopping, a gun for hunting, and a big pitcher for your sweet tea.

by Buttons89 November 4, 2014

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