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The chola version of 'stupid'.

I hope Juan doesn't show up to my cousins quinceñera, that would be so stooopid!

by Buttpucker February 10, 2017

4👍 6👎


Soapy water left in the sink after washing one's genitals.

I wouldn't let that bitch drink my Cockwater if she was dying of thirst!

by Buttpucker October 29, 2015

2👍 1👎


Someone who is both a poser and a loser.

That dude is a ploozer.

by Buttpucker September 5, 2015

Lester Diamond

Reference to the movie "Casino". An old boyfriend that is a total piece of shit but has total mind control over you. Every girl has one.

Omg you look just like my Lester diamond!

by Buttpucker October 23, 2019

10👍 2👎


Stands for “Tits Below The Belt” and refers to really huge, saggy, droopy, deflated breasts on a woman.

Dang! Look at that homeless lady’s TBTBs! Someone really should donate a bra to her.

by Buttpucker August 21, 2024

Water monkey

A house guest that drinks all of your beverages, especially bottled water.

Fuck him, he was a water monkey!

by Buttpucker September 5, 2015

9👍 7👎

Big uglies

Hot guys of the bambi killer variety.

You'll meet a guy at sturgis, that place is crawling with big uglies!

by Buttpucker May 18, 2018

1👍 3👎