the overly-dramatic, stereotypical beauty queen and the narcissistic fifth-born brother of the seven demon brothers from Obey Me!, and the Avatar of Lust, or the Avatar of Materialism, Breaking the Social Standards of Beauty and Slaying.
chances are he'll either pin you because he's got the horknee or because you're wearing a polka dots jacket with a plaid skirt, don't ask how I know, I just do.
in the wise words of a certain Mammon simp... bro's the kind of dude to be horny on main in a Discord server.
sober or not, he's a flirt with nearly everyone in a voice chat. men, women, living toaster waffle, you name them, if they're human, he'll probably bang 'em.
also according to the same Mammon simp: he has godly rizz, which is ironic, cuz he's a demon.
"Luci, I'm a â¨MatERIaL GwOrLðð¥°ð¤ð¸ð³ð«´â¨"
Asmodeus can often be spotted trying to flirt with MC, spilling the tea with Satan, doing his skincare and makeup routine (no wonder his skin's clear), having more followers on TikTok than I'll ever get, and just being everyone's favorite rainbow-flag-wielding, nail polish-wearing, Insta model-looking queen/twink, I guess.
spare confidence, sirrrrrrrrr-
he's possibly part Floptropican.
wait, why does he have an emo moment in Obey Me!: Nightbringer?-
tldr: he's a thot, but he's **our** thot. a thot on his slay era.
"Asmodeus is probably Floptropican, change my mind."
the shut-in otaku third-born of the seven demon brothers from the game Obey Me! Shall We Date, my personal bias (next to Simeon), and the Avatar of Envy, and/or the Avatar of Being A Relatable Otaku.
i stan this man, i love him, and he is one of the few reasons i put up with the bullshit at the Royal Academy Of Diavolo.
he goes by the titles "otaku", "shut-in", "weeb", and "anime-obsessive introvert", which are the titles i go by irl sometimes.
bro probably has more posters and anime figurines of waifus than you've had chances to do your homework.
"the Hana Ruri cosplay is staying on during Comic Con, alright?!"
if he needs someone to help him play horror games at 3 AM, i'm gladly running over with Happy Meals in tow.
as you can tell, he's one of my favorites, and if he ever wants to live in the real world, i've got a spare bed ready for him and a whole disk drive of video games and anime for us to binge.
POV: Leviathan and MC at a local Comic Con:
"why don't we cosplay as Pokemon trainers-"
"okay, i'll just match and cosplay as Cardcaptor Sakura, then ^^"
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Cheerio-muncher (headcanon).
he (yes, i said "he") is the Ultimate Programmer, and is pretty much on everyone's "Protect at all costs" lists.
he's wicked smart, being able to program his own AI named Alter Ego.
best bean ever.
I like to call him Cheerio, because his smile cheers me up.
he's NOT a girl, nor is he trans, or even fem-oriented, sorry guys, but he dresses girly so that people would stop picking on him, but he wishes he could be stronger, which is why he enlisted the help of one Mondo Owada in Chapter 2, but got bonked by said Mondo (for reasons i'll get into on his definition), and later got strung up by one fabulous Byakuya Togami.
Cheerio Chihiro should've lived ; - ;
Chihiro Fujisaki is the cutest Cheerio-munching bean to ever grace Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
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One of the *best* Vocaloid songs, cuz....
Plus, it was made by Wowaka, who made the best Vocaloid songs ever!
person 1: Have you heard the song, "Rolling Girl" made by Wowaka yet?
person 2: Yeah, it's so relatable!
person 1: IKR
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Kagamine Len half of the time.
if you know, you know.
just go listen to Plus Boy, then you'd probably understand.
this was supposed to be a half-hearted joke, btw.
Rin: "Len can be such a shota boy sometimes."
Len, three feet over: "I'm literally right next to you, Rin, how could you-"
*beings to sing Plus Boy sadly*
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the state-owned electricity company in South Africa that used to be the best that ever was, but thanks to a stroke of genius to "save electricity" and fire all their experienced workers all in the span of January of 2008, they managed to invent load-shedding and create adverts for people to use less of their product.
i don't even know what else to put here, cuz they've got so much drama, but all i can say is now the people are mad, the workers are mad, the substations are blowing up, the machinery's being destroyed, the workers demand raises, and we're still sitting in the dark, waiting for the lights to go on so that i can finish my homework.
thanks, Eskom, for making me fall farther behind.
"you can always rely on Eskom to turn off the lights so you don't have to!" - said no one ever
overworked, stressed-out eldest child of the seven demon brothers on Obey Me! Shall We Date, and Avatar of Pride, ir the Avatar if Consent, if you will.
probably my favorite.
him: "try to survive the year or whatever"
also him when we do something stupid: "wHY YOU LITTLE-" *demon form: activated*
either he'll try to kill you himself or make up for it by banging you in his bedroom.
Jesus, he's bi for Diavolo, bi as hell.
Satan's daddy, don't ask how that works, bro went full-on mad and Satan just... spawned.
"guys, I swear, if Lucifer asks me to visit his study just for him to push me against the desk, I'ma slap a restraining order across his face"
"you gotta admit, he's hot when he's dominant"
"excuse me, what- ð"