Source Code

run dos run

Phrase to signify a joke is not funny.

a: C:\dos..

b: run dos run, its' crap, stfu.

by Gumba Gumba May 29, 2004

12👍 83👎

You take the bomb to B site and plant it. Make sure you do not stop running till you get there.

Lolololololololololol BLUE TEXT

You take the bomb to B site and plant it. Make sure you do not stop running till you get there. RUSH B CYKA BLYAT

by ToffeeisTasty July 12, 2021

4👍 12👎


A quote said by very WEIRD people who DON'T KNOW HOW TO RUN?

Person 1: HOW DO I RUN
Person 2: Why are you asking me this, weirdo? You seem pretty weird. Go fondle some farts or something.

by someone who fondles farts. August 2, 2024