Source Code


WEED or any form of marijuana the code word for having or smokeing weed. made up by a couple of smart kids and spread around all over the world and on to this site.

"Dude do you have any movies?"
"Yea I have a whole collection like napolean Dynamie and shit."
"No. I mean the green kind"
"OOO Yea man. Do You want to go watch them with me?"
"Hell Yeah Dude!!"

by C-MAN93 April 30, 2009

47👍 96👎


the gayest number ever. seriously it is everywhere and whenever you see it you will lose the game

"Dude it's 2:47"
"Your an Asshole"
"I Lost"
"WTF Man"

by C-MAN93 April 29, 2009

11👍 19👎