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Undocumented medical condition resulting in chronic foul breath. The stinch resembling that of one who's consumed an extra large shit sandwich. Not to be confused with the garden variety halitosis, assititus has the ability to literally steal your breath away, peel the paint off of walls, and to cling to anyone within talking distance of the sufferer.

Offering a sufferer of assititus a breath mint,Tic-Tac, or gum to subdue the offensive smell is useless, as the result is similar to spraying airfreshner after taking a healthy dump, your left now with the scent of shitty roses or shitty pines...still shitty none the less.

Listerine couldn't put a dent in what's ailing his mouth, he's got a case of assititus.

by C.A. Stallworth April 5, 2006

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Pronounced (in-self-ah-lite-iss)

Mental condition by which the afflicted assumes that their, opinion or point of view is is the only "correct" one. Basis for the disease is that the sufferer can't comprehend that someone else might think differently than they do about a subject.

Tim: "Have you ever noticed, that in a conversation, Ollie becomes overly insistent on his take in the matter?" "He'll come at you with both barrels if your opinion differs from his."

Ned: "Yeah, well that's because Ollie was born with Inselfilitis, he has a one track mind.

by C.A. Stallworth April 8, 2006

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Beer Flu

Can occur on a Sunday evening bust most often Monday through Thursday. Caused by the excess consumption of alcholic beverages the previous evening, resulting in a craptastic hangover the following morning, most certainly resulting in a "sick" call into the office.

Dude, what happened to you yesterday, I didn't see you in the office, are you OK?

I got so shitfaced the other night that I had to call in sick this morning on account of the Beer Flu.

by C.A. Stallworth April 6, 2006

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The yellow urine stains and residue often found and associated with public toilets.

The downside to living with guys is that they eventually get a case of peeboner&, the end result is that your gonna have to clean all the pissbutter off of the toilet.

by C.A. Stallworth April 6, 2006


Verb: The act of yielding or giving into your wife or girlfriend.

When engaged in a disagreement with a woman it's best to cut your losses and just cabitchulate, because you know that she's gonna get the last word in anyways.

by C.A. Stallworth April 6, 2006

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An accusation by a black person.

The boys from the hood made a blackusation by saying that Jerome was hired because he talks white and sold out.
Shamiqua made a blackusation when she told Amber "Stick to your own kind and quit trying to "steal" all of the good black men."

by C.A. Stallworth April 6, 2006

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Opposite of Snowflake. Unattractive white girls that date black guys exclusively. Usually goes out of their way to show how "black" they think they are by speaking ghetto and loud mouthed.

In their minds they will strut around as if they're a 9 or 10, when in fact they are closer to a 4.

Man!! That girl at the bar with the nice booty is one fine snowflake, but her loud assed friend with the jacked up grill and dogtag is a NOFLAKE.

by C.A. Stallworth April 5, 2006

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