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An amazing person who is funny all round and makes everyone around her laugh, she has a beautiful smile and an amazing aura, they are your ride or dies. If you find an ifee, you found everything u need.

Person 1: Wow she's so funny

Person 2: Her name must be ifee then

Person 3: it literally is

by C4dnY November 6, 2022

1👍 1👎


A reezy or reezies are the best people on the internet. They are subscribed to Courtreezy and are automatically 10% more attractive than the average human being. Buying Reezy Merch doubles that. They are superior. It's just facts! Blame the science!

Person1: Are you a reezy
Person2: No why not?
Person1: No way, reezies are the best peole on the internet, how are you not one already dudeee
Person2: Ok,ok, I just subbed to courtney
Person1: welcome to the Gang.

by C4dnY May 21, 2022

115👍 2👎