Source Code


The shortened or condensed version of 'maybe' -- perhaps, possibly, a possibility or uncertainty -- usually associated with and implemented in online chatting, texting, posting, blogging, etc...

}}} Much the same as a foreign language or shorthand would be to someone not familiar with it, online language such as this is often hard to decipher and understand for those unaccustomed to the use of it. Commonly thought to be rather irritating to those who prefer to type whole words, sometimes fanatically insisting that everyone should use the correct punctuation as well, and is mistakenly generally associated with a lower intelligence level many times as such may indicate in some situations that a person may not have such a great ability to spell words correctly. Many times it is not due to the inability of the person utilizing this shortened version of words and has nothing to do with their intelligence level. Rather, it is a personal choice to type in this manner and may actually be a sign of higher intelligence as the typer is actually able to understand, decipher, and interpret the shortened versions of words written in this manner. {{{

IM No.1 :: Do u wanna eat dinner out 2night babe?
IM No.2 :: I dunno, dont feel up2it really.
IM No.1 :: Yea, ur tired cause u dont catch nuf Zzz's. Mayb 2morrow?
IM No.2 :: Sure, np.

by CDLady May 7, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The alternative spelling of the word 'was' usually associated with and implemented in online chatting, texting, posting, blogging, etc...

(also see wazup, wasup)

No.1 :: Waz that you I saw at the party last night?
No.2 :: No way! I wasn't there cause my lady didn't want me to go.

by CDLady May 7, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


The pronunciation for the prefix Urbadicto-

(Meaning of or having to do with the Urban Dictionary.

Of or having to do with the online dictionary of slang and street terminology known as Urban Dictionary.

Of or having to do with the website UrbanDictionary.com)

This is how the prefix Urbadicto- is pronounced::

by CDLady April 6, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž



adjective ~

Compulsively or physiologically dependent on the posting or submitting of word definitions in the Urban Dictionary.
Dependent on the posting or submitting of word definitions in the Urban Dictionary.

Devoted or given up to the practice or habit of posting or submitting word definitions in the Urban Dictionary.

Very interested in and devoting a lot of time to posting or submitting word definitions in the Urban Dictionary.

Straight person No.1 :: "Some editors at the Urban Dictionary are Urbadictoaddicted."

Straight person No.2 :: "Yeah, I know whacha mean. I think the Urbadictobangers are worse though! LoL"

Straight person No.1 :: "LOL"

by CDLady April 6, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž