The type of english all white girls write while they are texting. Something a 5 year old learning how to write would write.
White girl english is this: Period. Slayy. Absolutely gorgeous. We should def go out and eat food and like chew with our mouths like animals do ykykykyk. O. M. G. SLAYY
Chase is a bitch and gets no bitches. He tries to âChase those bitchesâ but those bitches are nowhere to be seen.
A nicer way to say to someone who is gay but doesnât say so because of his fetish to transgender girls. (Chicks with Dicks)
Wow Thomas youâre a gaygot!
What is that?
Itâs you.
Heâs a little gay but we accept who he is.
Absolutely loves to suck on gonads.
Cucumberâs are his favorite vegetable.
Trans-strippers are preferred.
Wow Simone youâre gay but I love butt sex, you wanna try?
Of Course
A term used to piss someone off when they are into chicks with dicks.
There are very few people who fit in the category of Bitch. All girls in the world and Chase Deaktor. Chase is a Bitch who gets no bitches. ð§ð½ âï¸