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A furry trans YouTuber who got famous by coping pewdiepie , with 250k subscribers and still growing! Plays pet scop in his free time

Guy 1: hey bro did you see the new pyrocynical video

Guy 2 :is it pet scop 2?

Guy 1 : it's kinda like any other pewdiepie video

Guy 2: you're right imma watch pewdiepie

Guy 1 : can I join?

Guy 2 : ofc!

by CJ42069 January 26, 2020


Someone seen as a god

Person 1 : hey bro what's up
Person 2 : shh shut up it's holyrangingmonkey

by CJ42069 January 7, 2020



Jaystation is cancer

by CJ42069 February 5, 2020

21👍 2👎