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Teach For America

The national corps of outstanding recent college graduates who commit to teach for two years in some of the most under-resourced rural and urban schools in the United States.

After the two years, TFA alumni continue to work relentlessly towards closing the achievement gap. Alumni pursue careers in education, or exert influence from other fields such as law, business, medicine, government, as well as other not-for-profit organizations.

"Nine-year-olds in poor neighborhoods are already three years behind their more affluent peers. They are seven times less likely to graduate from college. There are individuals in the wealthiest country on the planet who are effectively illiterate. This is shameful, and this is unjust.

I believe that educational equity is our generation's civil rights issue, and that is why I Teach For America."

You want to change things: www.teachforamerica.org

by CM 05 January 1, 2007

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