Street name for clonazepam (brand name: klonopin). Basically the same potency of xanax but triple the half life making your usual xanned out experience longer acting or in my case not feeling like the world is collapsing 24/7. 0.5mg kpin = 10mg valium. kpins are bad ass and I suggest trying them but don't use them or opioids chronically unless you have a prescription in which case its fine because you have a solid source. Oh yeah and don't rapidly stop off kpins or xanax or other benzo's unless your like full blown seizures, double the anxiety you had before your doctor put you on the drug and of course the DT's like some alcoholic and other weird stuff.
Ever since I was introduced to benzo's I learned that pharmaceuticals aren't just sugar pills and that there are effective drugs....
k-pins are a life saver for people with chronic anxiety that have finally realized SSRI's are a pile or platypus shit for anxiety.
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Butt-fuck county is a fictional area (or at least I hope and pray it is) in the middle of no where. May be used to describe a very rural and very sketchy area. Butt-fuck county generally lacks things like cell phone reception (to call the non-existant butt-fuck county sheriff), law enforcement (when your getting chased by a meth head farmer boy with a shotgun), and normal human beings. What it does have however are plenty of horse headed gal's, corn fields, trucks, farm animals, toothless "good ol' boys" and if you stop and roll the windows down (you probably shouldn't ever stop) you can often hear banjo's playing, if the sound of banjo's starts to converge from multiple directions you should promptly turn the hell around.
I was driving through West Virginia thinking it would get me to New York faster and my buddy told me to roll down the windows in when we were in the middle of Butt-fuck county, suddenly the sound of banjos got closer until we looked around and were surrounding by banjo players and angry farmers. We promptly turned the hell around.
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A Velociraptor is an angry buyer of drugs usually with no money and with the intent of trying to rob the dealer. Common with crack heads who will never sleep and call you at 4:20am in the morning expecting you to meet them, if you do you will most likely get shanked by them and there crazy tweaking girl friend, same goes for meth. As for heroin, if one of your buyers is dope sick and has no money don't fuck with them they are physically ill and will kill you unless you have your shit down. Avoid Velociraptor's when trappin' especially if your big game.
Velociraptor: yo yo i need some crack or speed or molly whatever you got I NEED DAT SHIT NOW WRAR RAR!!!!
Dealer: Yo step off ill spill your blood and lay your tweakin' ass out if you dont leave *caps Velociraptor*
Dealer: Fucking velociraptor trying to eat me for the cocaine.
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