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Deutsch Disease

A 24 hour to 7 day ailment due to excessive deutsching (smoking and/or drinking) over a short period of time. Symptoms are sore throat, loss of voice, mild headache and nausea, and black lung among others. Typically necessitates that the patient takes a few days off from deutsching, or takes a long Power Nap and pops a Celsius before returning.

-Yo, I’m having the boys over tonight for march maddy, tryna pu?
-Poss, I got Deutsch Disease so ima see how I feel after a Power Nap and energy drink.

by Cactus657 March 14, 2023

3👍 1👎


(V) To smoke, drink, or get otherwise intoxicated and have fun with the boys.
(N, past participle) Deutsched. A state of intoxication.
(Adj) A description of a person who is nelk and raftus due to their intense level of alcohol consumption and resembles celebrity vlogger Kyle Foregard.

U boys down to deutsch tonight?

Bro it’s a Tuesday.

I’m way to deutsched rn, I can’t talk to my parents.

I have a week streak of bevving with the boys.
Wow you’re deutsch asf.

by Cactus657 March 14, 2023