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A village full of funny. Used interchangeably with lol, for maximum impact. Similar to words with the suffix "town".

Amy Winehouse had bags of blood delivered to her home. lolburg!

The party is guaranteed to be a trip to lolburg if Brandon shows up.

by CadyW August 4, 2008

2👍 2👎


Verb. A way of showing anger and emotion through the internet, often seen in blog entries or IMs. Considered a breach of netiquette, one should only go ALLCAPS during periods of internet distress.

Tom is pissed at me. He went ALLCAPS last night on AIM.

Holly Madison of Girls Next Door fame went ALLCAPS on her blog last night, defending her relationship with co-girlfriend Kendra.

by CadyW August 4, 2008

9👍 6👎


Verbal use of an emoticon. Should never be used as "happy-face" because that's just lame.

I am too hungover to go out. Sad-face!

JK Rowling is writing a Harry Potter fairy tale book! Yay-face!

by CadyW August 4, 2008

5👍 1👎