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A new tie I am wearing

When someone was born without one teste.. and has to get receive a plastic one.. the person will exclaim "o look.. a new tie i am wearing!"

William: look at the new tie i am wearing!
Joelle: ew... Is that plastic?

by Cait n Abs December 10, 2003

3👍 18👎

mom battle

When two people repeatedly say "your mom." to one another until one goes and gets their 9 to shoot the other one.

whitey #1: ur gay.
whitey #2: ur moms gay.
whitey #1: im going to get my 9.. i will be right back!
whitey #2: (yells) ur moms going to get her 9?

by Cait n Abs December 10, 2003

23👍 9👎

ample ba-donk-a-donk

a large ass.

Man... look at that chicks ample ba-donk-a-donk.. It is the size of Mount Everest. I'd sure like to get a hand on that. Or maybe even tap that fine ampleness.

by Cait n Abs December 10, 2003

14👍 5👎