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She is beautiful in every way. She is mysterious and quiet. She doesn't talk much, but she has a million ideas and thoughts going through her head. She is very observant and thoughtful of the world around her. She spend most of her time alone, often somewhere with nature, but she has deep love for her friends and family. She often acts shy of nervous around new people, but once you get to know her, there is nothing she won't do for you. She thrives in an open environment where she's free to be herself and doesn't have boundaries or limits. Don't try and tell her what to do, because she never forgets anything. Her memory is insightful. If you have an Amelia in your life, never let her go.

Person: Amelia, don't do that.
Amelia: F*** off, b****.

by Caitlin Frum January 19, 2021