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meat maggot

On rare occassions, a peculiar thing happens where after leaving a McDonald's sandwich in your car for an extended period of time, the meat turns into maggots.

Although most would have you believe that maggots hatch from eggs laid by flies, this is false.
Recent studies by wades have proven that maggots are a product of spontaneous generation and in fact form themselves from organic matter; in this case, meat.

There are many types of organic material that maggots are created from, however, those which form in meat, are the most frequently sighted, and it is common knowledge that they with out a doubt, do exist.

CONNOR: ..when he went back to the car, the meat had turned into maggots!!!
SMART PEOPLE: no...Connor, that doesn't make sense.
CONNOR: shut your MOUTH! i'm asking my dad!
DAD: Connor, i'm on your side, 100% because you're always right. A meat maggot...makes sense to me, because I'm a wade.
NATHAN'S SMART MOM: The flies lay their eggs in the meat.
CONNOR: *speechless*

by Caitlin Perry January 31, 2007

58πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

meat maggot

Something that exists only in the mind of Wades.

CONNOR: when he went back to the car, the meat had turned into maggots!!!
SMART PEOPLE: no...Connor, that doesn't make sense.
CONNOR: shut your MOUTH! i'm asking my dad!
DAD: Connor, i'm on your side, 100% because you're always right. Meat maggots...makes sense to me, because I'm a Wade.
NATHAN'S SMART MOM: The flies lay their eggs in the meat.
CONNOR: *speechless*

by Caitlin Perry January 5, 2007

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A slang term for the word cuddle. Cud is, like cuddle, a word used between couples, typically to express that one wants to perform the cud-ing.

NATHAN: what do you wanna do?
CAITLIN: I wanna cud!

by Caitlin Perry January 23, 2008

64πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


An acronym which stands for "down to booyah"
This is typically said either between two sexual partners who would be booyaing, or between friends to say, "f'sho, let's do it."

("A exclamation used when a males genitalia are removed from a female orifice smaller than the genitals creating a suction and subsequent popping sound."
by TheManDanIsCool)

CAITLIN: I think I wanna go to Wendy's for lunch.
NATHAN: Yah?? You DTB?
CAITLIN: Eww..no.
NATHAN: No, I mean LETS GO!!!

by Caitlin Perry June 12, 2008

16πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

buttermilk buddies

The third level of friendship between 2 friends;
At this level they can eat Jack in the Box buttermilk sausage sandwiches with eachother, without the need of presence by any other, usual tag-a-longs.

Ҁ’ level 1: becoming friends; usually through other friends
Ҁ’ level 2: when one friend is able to sit shotty during the absence of the other's boo
Ҁ’ level 3: (see above)

CAITLIN: we've never had lunch together, just the 2 of us
CONNOR: Let's eat buttermilk sausage sandwiches!
CAITLIN: This is a new step on the ladder of our friendship
CONNOR: yes. me and you are now buttermilk buddies...it's the third level of friendship.

by Caitlin Perry January 14, 2007

65πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

buttermilk buddies

The third level of friendship between two friends; At this level they can eat Jack in the Box buttermilk sausage sandwiches with eachother (without the need of the presence of people like Nathan or Laura, allthough they are dearly missed).
level 1: becoming friends; usually through other friends
level 2: when one friend is able to sit shotty during the absence of the other's boo
level 3: (see above)

CAITLIN: Ponnor! we've never had lunch together, just the 2 of us
CONNOR: Let's eat buttermilk sausage sandwiches! And it's CONNOR, btw!
CAITLIN: This is a new step on the ladder of our friendship
CONNOR: yes. me and you are now buttermilk buddies...it's the third level of our friendship haha

by Caitlin Perry January 5, 2007

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


1. (n) the back, or back side of a person's neck.
Pronunciation: 'nAp also 'nap.
Usually used in the phrase, 'nape of the neck'.
"back of the neck," c.1300, of unknown origin.

The nape is the back of the neck. It is notable in animals such as cats as a non-sensitive area, where mothers can hold their young in their mouths in order to move them around.

In traditional Japanese culture, the nape (known in the Japanese language as unaji ?) was one of the few ares of the body (other than the face and hands) left uncovered by women's attire, so that the nape of a woman's neck held a strong attraction for many Japanese men (see Geisha Makeup).

2. National Association of Physicians for the Environment (NAPE)
A program which works to involve physicians and other health care professionals, particularly through their geographic and medical specialty organizations, to deal with the impact of pollutants on organs and systems of the human body.

3. A slang term for Napalm.
A highly flammable sticky jelly used in incendiary bombs and flamethrowers, consisting of gasoline thickened with special soaps.

4. Nape piercing
sometimes a target of body piercing.
A piercing through the surface of the nape of the neck. It is a surface piercing, carrying a low rate of rejection and migration, if they are properly measured and placed. However, may reject if they are not pierced properly, as they are in a part of the body that moves constantly and are easy to irritate, catching on clothing or other objects. Require special jewelry to minimize the risk of piercing migration and rejection.
Both surface bars are barbells with bars made from flexible material, such as tygon or teflon, are commonly used as both initial and long term jewelry in the nape.
Other similar jewelry include specially made and bent barbells, which are made either by the piercer or ordered from a dealer.

Like most surface piercings, are of a completely contemporary origin. Numerous urban legends and popular culture myths associate nape piercings with a potential for spinal or nerve damage, due to their location. Nape piercings do not interact with nerve tissue more or less than any other surface piercing, and there is no risk of nerve damage associated with them.

5. Ninia atrata (the Red-nape Snake)
is a small terrestrial snake which is found in southern Central America, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Trinidad and Tobago.
It is believed to feed on insect larvae and termites.

6. Jeffrey Nape (b. 1951)
Speaker of the National Parliament and former acting Governor-General of Papua New Guinea.
Was elected speaker by the members of the parliament on May 28, 2004, and then immediately became acting governor-general because that office was substantively vacant.
He succeeded Bill Skate in both roles.
He ceased acting as governor-general on June 29, 2004, when Paulinas Matane was sworn in.

Ҁ’ His hair curled over the nape of his neck.
Ҁ’ I work for NAPE.
Ҁ’ The nape bombs are ready.
Ҁ’ I got my nape pierced, it didn't really hurt, but it's annoying.
Ҁ’ She loves snakes, especially the red-nape snake.
Ҁ’ My uncle is Jeffrey Nape, he's one BA mutha-trucker!

by Caitlin Perry June 12, 2008

53πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž