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Househugger: A person that cares for the economy and other people. And will do anything to save the economy from going downhill.
The opposite of treehugger.

Treehugger: A person that cares for the environment and animals. And will do anything to save the environment from going downhill.
The opposite of a househugger.

Herbert: "Now you see how ridiculous it is to call someone a treehugger?"
Phil: "Yes I do!! Ever since I read the definition "househugger"

Househuggers and treehuggers don't get along.

by Caitlin13579 March 20, 2008

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

Is a video game for the gamecube. The story begins 5 years after the events of Pokémon Colosseum with the introduction of Michael (player may change the name), the main protagonist. Michael first meets Professor Krane, his mother's boss. He introduces the concept of Shadow Pokémon, which are Pokémon whose hearts have been artificially closed. So in the game you have to purify all the pokemon.

Jerry: Woaaaaah!! You got Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness?!
Ashley: I sure dooooo!!

by Caitlin13579 March 20, 2008

46πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The Gaelic spelling for a shortened form of Catherine or Kathleen. It's an Irish name meaning "pure essence". It's also an extremely common name.
The only correct way to spell this name. It does not include: Caitlyn, Catelyn, Catelin, Kaitlin, Kaitlyn, Katelyn, Katelin, etc.
She's a girl often so amazingly indescribable that no guy will ever deserve her. They say the name Caitlin means that she is often red-headed and dancing in the halls, in addition to being beautiful inside and out. She is classy.
Everyone loves her. She's not selfish and thinks of others constantly. She loves nice people and animals. She's much more mature then her age. She has a beautiful exotic face with a captivating smile and laugh. With model looks, she's the sweetest girl with the cutest personality that you'll ever meet, but usually a little shy and wants the guy to make the first big move. She has the effect of brightening up someone's day (even just by smiling). But when she's not shy she is really loud, really hilarious and really fun to be around. She smells really nice too. Not to mention her sense of humor, her hint of sarcasm.

Me: My name is Caitlin and I have dirty blonde hair and big brown eyes. My username is on urban dictionary is Caitlin13579.

Random Person: God, Caitlin is Amazing, I want to be her...

Random Person 2: Wow, Caitlin is everything I've ever wanted to be...

Me: Aweee! :) <3 xoxo

by Caitlin13579 July 2, 2011

295πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž


Apparently, we are the smartest animal on the planet, but the most dangerous to are selves and to other species. Thinking we are more important then animals. We are destroying are own environment, and by doing that will eventually destroy us. We are incredibly arrogant creatures who seem to think that they are the only species on this planet. Extremly selfish, Money's the only thing we care about, we don't care about the environment or society or people or animals. We abuse people and animals.

Me: Humans aren't smart!!, we are depleting are own o-zone layer, and all this other shit!!
Person: Wow!! she's got a point!!

by Caitlin13579 February 9, 2008

21πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Another way to spell "Jessica". The orginal way to spell it is J.E.S.S.I.C.A
What more can I say?

Who needs an example for Jessika?

by Caitlin13579 July 9, 2011

49πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž


People whom are destroying society.

Ex: Cathy and Claire are GREEDY!! They need more money!!

The different forms of greed are greed of:
see: Money
Food etc....

For similar words like Greed see: Selfish

See the rest of the Seven
Deadly Sins:

by Caitlin13579 May 26, 2008

83πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

Drawn to Life

Drawn to Life is a video game that is currently only for the DS. The spinoffs include: Drawn to Life wii, and SpongeBob Squarepants: Drawn to Life(not released yet though)

Drawn to Life is a good game, It's worth using your money.

by Caitlin13579 March 20, 2008

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž