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Sophia has the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen a hazel or brownish. An amazing girl, extremely beautiful, does cute things all the time, great at kissing, pretty much great at everything she ever does, knows how to make a guy feel amazing, a girl very easy to love. The best girl you could ever meet. She is amazing. She is extremely nice, has soft skin, plays basket ball,usually a brown eyed girl. When your sad she will bring a smile to your face. She is the most loving girl in the world. She is sexiest girl you'll ever meet, and is amazing in bed! You can always be yourself around Sophia. She's fun and crazy. She dances randomly and isn’t afraid to be weird. Sophia is one-of-a-kind. She is always understanding and trustworthy. She has inner and outer beauty. Sophia is a Down-ass chick. She is sexually active! Sophia is a person who you should never let go of, because you will regret not having her!

Sophia Is a person I will never regret meeting!(:
Keep a Sophia if you find one!

by Caliiquurl14 December 14, 2012

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