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Ass Clown

Having the characteristics of a classic bastard child, usually male. Often is a bastard child. Lack of father figure and discipline along with spoiling by female birth unit, creates common character traits such as:

- Starts conversions with people who resent him, yet he continues, enjoying himself the entire time.
- Uses people's valuable time with out permission.
- Thinks "no" means yes.
- Conceived through sin or badly mistaken choice of sperm donor, and mother failed to get an abortion.
- Lives in permanent narcissistic fantasy world that no amount of talking or punishment can change.
- Thinks he knows better then others even after non-stop life failures.
- Does just enough to get by, which usually involves living off others.

That ass clown lived off me for a year, and never paid rent.

by CalisDead May 5, 2009

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