The overall financial, social, commercial, and (sometimes) medical systems that support your pursuit of, and engagement in sexual activities.
Systems include, but are not limited to: ATM machines (for emergency 2:00 AM cash withdrawals), online hotel reservations, all-inclusive resorts, bottle service, taxis, your friend's place (because let's face it: yours is crappy), and your Mom.
Example framework -
Him: Hey sweetie, its been a while since we've insert sex-related activity here.
Her: Yeah, because you're a cheap-ass and we haven't leverage one or many supporting institutions from the sexual infrastructure in a while.
Concrete Example:
Him: Hey sweetie, its been a while since we've had a threesome with your secretary. What gives?
Her: Yeah, because you're a cheap-ass and we haven't taken a crazy Vegas weekend in over 5 years!