Believing something fake that could be true but it's outrageous if it is and you spread it
Me: Bob (nerdy ah mofo) just completely fucked Emily 9School Bop) and gave her an STD
Friend: Bro ain no way, I know they've been sharing answers but no way he tapped
Friend: Im bouta tell the whole school
Me: Bro you just got Centel'd
Friend: ???
Me: I told something fake that could be true but its outrageous if it is and it created hella backlash and you believed it
Friend: Im Ronching you!
Launching Ranch, Specifically at someone
Can be used by replacing the first letter with whatever your throwing at someone. (Ex. Yonched (yogurt launch) Wonched (Water launch), Monched (Milk Launch ) ETC.)
Dang I just got Ronched, launched ranch at