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(V) To hit one Right in the ass with questions, facts, feedback , insight and information. To call out BS , disrespect,hypocrisy and incompetence.

That selectman was RITA’d with comments and criticism after he was heard on hot mike calling townsfolk “random f’ing citizens.”

The lawyers masterfully RITA’d the opposing council with evidence based arguments and theories .

by Canton9 January 10, 2024

Random f’ing citizen

(Noun) One who attends town meeting and dares to inquire about town politics, rules , regulations, hypocrisy.

A taxpayer with a brain full of intelligence and a soul with integrity who fears nothing.

One who questions the decisions and policies of town employees whose salary is paid by said RFCs.

The selectman were questioned at length' by the random f’ing citizens over the decision to decline a special town meeting.

The random f’ing citizens gathered signatures to have a special town meeting to allow a vote on an audit of the police force.
“Who are these random f’ing citizens and how dare they hold our feet to the fire? Can’t they leave us alone? “ The selectman was overheard asking at last night’s meeting.

by Canton9 January 11, 2024