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Race traitor

A White person who hates and attacks their own race. If you see a White person railing against "racists" and "White supremacists" (translation: White people who don't hate themselves) you know you are dealing with a race traitor

Fred constantly says anti-White crap then acts shocked when he is called out for being anti-White. He's too stupid to even realize he is a race traitor.

by Canviale January 17, 2023

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International Jewish Conspiracy

Something morons accuse you of alleging when you point out the obvious things that Jews openly do.

Hey seems like Jews really push hard to keep a ethnostate for themselves but push for White majority countries to be multicultural and integrate lots of non-Whites. Kind of like they consider us an enemy to be destroyed

What are you talking about, there is no international Jewish conspiracy to have a Jewish country for themselves and make White countries brown. The last thing Jews want is for Israel to be a Jewish homeland and the first thing they want are lots of homogenous White ethnostates!

by Canviale January 22, 2023

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Greatest Generation

A generation of western guys who fought one battle when they were teenagers and endlessly bragged about it for the rest of their lives while their entire civilization fell to pieces around them.

I took a boat over to Europe and shot a German. Then I bragged about being able to make my bed so right you could bounce a quarter off it while leftist subversives turned my country into a third world, gay pride, drag queen story time nightmare. I'm the greatest generation!

by Canviale January 17, 2023

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An even narrower type of racism. Familyism is an ideology where it's adherents put the interests of their own "family" (social construct) over the good of everyone else.

David Jones won't let me live in his house and eat his food but he will let his children do that. What a Jones Supremacist bigot, down with familyism!

by Canviale January 17, 2023

Jew Media

Media produced by Jews. Books by Jewish authors, TV shows and films made by Jewish producers, radio programs with Jewish hosts etc.

The Jew media sure does seem to push the blonde girl/black guy thing a lot.

What are you talking about Jewish people all work in agriculture and resource extraction. None of them work in media and entertainment...and if they did the last thing they would promote are blonde girl/black guy couples, Jews hate seeing that.

by Canviale January 17, 2023