Verb, Adjective, Noun
When you suck the sh** out ya partner's genitals and it makes them release all their juices.
Inspired by how a Capri Sun juice looks after you've drank all of its juices. The person who has been Capri Son'd will need cuddles and will most likely fall asleep right after this special event. They have been dominated by the Capri Son'er noun.
1. Capri Son'd - Adjective, Verb
2. Capri Son'er - Noun, Dominant person
3. Capri Son'ee - Noun, Recipient
Note: As the Capri Son'er, you must be aware of your generosity and power. Please make sure to praise your partner's genitals in the process and also give thanks for the powers of the juices after. This will ensure the release you are manifesting.
Oh my God, they just Capri Son'd me!
She tried to Capri Son me!