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Kingdom Hearts

I'd like to take this time to say that their are a lot of people who (thankfully) like this game. And to all of you staunchly Anti-Disney jackasses: HAVE YOU EVER EVEN PLAYED THE EFFIN' GAME?!
There are many reasons to like this game, and they're NOT because of the cameos by Final Fantasy characters!
Pros: Excellent story, No loading screen involved with battles, Innovative ideas; including moving in a 3D world where you can actually jump! Finally, I'm sick of being unable to jump.
Cons: Camera is an enemy and a hindrance, Gummi Ships are awkward to build, certain people are too narrowminded to even give this wonderful game 1 try! Why won't you play the game?! Are you immeadiately turned off by the idea of Disney committing characters and ideas to it's construction? You can over look that, dumbass.
All in all, KH is great, and unless SquarEnix actually listens to these dumbasses, it's gonna stay.

Kingdom Hearts is a great game, and if you don't think so, go to your nearest Blockbuster and actually RENT A COPY!

by Captain Flan April 20, 2006

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