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Wonder Twins

Two people whose personalities compliment and reinforce each other. The can usually get a sense of what the other one is thinking with a single look or, some times, without even looking at all. They laugh at the same jokes when they're not making each other laugh. At work they tend to bring the fun. You want them on your work team because they understand the value of having fun at work and, at the same time, are extremely hard workers who get a lot of work done while having fun.

Named after Zan and Jayna from DC comics, these two compliment each other in many ways. People often don't understand the nature of the bond, but it is strong.

Don't mess with one of a set of Wonder Twins unless you want to deal with the other.

"Those two work amazingly well together...they're always laughing and smiling." "You mean The Wonder Twins? Yeah, we don't understand it, but they make this place a little more fun."

by Captain Grammerica August 21, 2018


A woman of amazing energy and spirit. She's strong, courageous, and posses a spirit that inspires. Applies to any woman who reminds you of Princess Diana of Themyscira Wonder Woman. A very down to earth woman, relates to other people very easily. She makes you want to not let her down. Her laugh lights up your day and she loves to laugh. Not someone to be trifled with, either. She is swift in her decisions and can see through your BS. While everyone likes her, she despises large groups of people and she seeks the intimacy of one-on-one and smaller groups.
You want to be near a Diana.

I need someone to lead this team through a very rough time...I need a real Diana.

by Captain Grammerica August 21, 2018

1691👍 94👎


A woman of amazing energy and spirit. She's strong, courageous, and posses a spirit that inspires. Applies to any woman who reminds you of Princess Diana of Themyscira Wonder Woman. A very down to earth woman, relates to other people very easily. She makes you want to not let her down. Her laugh lights up your day and she loves to laugh. Not someone to be trifled with, either. She is swift in her decisions and can see through your BS. While everyone likes her, she despises large groups of people and she seeks the intimacy of one-on-one and smaller groups.
You want to be near a Diana.

I need someone to lead this team through a very rough time...I need a real Diana.

by Captain Grammerica August 21, 2018

18👍 2👎