Source Code


Taken from the cult classic TV show "Batman". Used as a sound effect

"Holy bad decisions Batman, look out!" *ZOCK!*

by Captain Happy Pants March 2, 2005

16👍 12👎


The effect caused by Scallys/Chavs tucking their pants into their socks to look "cool"

"AAAAAAHHHHHH MATE! Proper tockage on da go!"

"Look at the state of that lad with his stupid tockage! Does he think he looks good?!"

by Captain Happy Pants March 2, 2005


The Irish word for "Shower"

"Iain, I'm taking a Shire"
"I stink, I need a Shire"
"Why is there cabbage growing in my Shire?!"

by Captain Happy Pants March 2, 2005

36👍 106👎