WinoBot was a short created in the television show "Wondershowzen". His character is that of a robot combined with a wino; therefore creating the ultimate superhero.
A racist slur that will make even the most civilized black person pissed off.
It's okay for one black person to refer to another black person as a nigger. Ironically, a white person cannot say nigger because of the color of his skin.
Black Person: "What's up nigger?" = OKAY
White Person: "What's Up nigger?" = NOT OKAY
389👍 325👎
The heart of all that is evil on the internet... People no longer can talk to eacher normally without bringing up the mention of "MySpace". It is the end of civilized man.
Person A: "Have you heard of this band?"
Person B: "No"
Person A: "Let me go to their MySpace and..."
Person B: "But we work in a record store..."
82👍 73👎