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Dim is not a noun, but a verb. To 'Do a Dimmy' is simply to pull off any feat of mere awesomeness.

Generally related to alcohol and women related activities, one achieves a sense of 'Dim-ness' by successfully completing an act of gloriousness, leaving the crowd in awe.
To Dim is to be a lord of alcohol. To wear Toga's, and have Levels play as entry music upon your entry to every single place you attend. To have the Gods of beer happily shine down upon you. Dim doesn't even get drunk, Alcohol gets Dim'ed.

They say only one man has thus far been able to achieve such immortality. Legend states most Eastern religions believe him to be the messiah.
Others call him by his birth name, the one and only David Outrata.

Dim is not only a lifestyle.
Dim is a legacy.

No joke, he just completely pulled a Dimmy, and slammed down an entire slab, before having sex with the entire Oakland Raiders cheersquad!

by Captain Splendifferous November 12, 2012

18👍 13👎