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Loxism defines a type of racial discrimination of an ethnicity and a complexion, that - unlike usual racism- involves also a specific perpetrator:

Loxism is the racism against white european people by Jews.

Usually, and for the major kind of racism toward whites and europe, it is attempted to “justify” it by using the spurious concept of ‘historical retroactivity’.
In this case, it’s a social class war between middle/low class white europeans and privileged usually very rich jewish using european history’s worst events only to demonstrate serious hostility using “equitability” as a fair excuse.

- You f*cking c****er trash
- ??? who the hell you think you are f*cking racist
- pfffrrt, can’t be racist towards you, you’re not even a race after what your ancestors did, you weren’t a race before it neither.
- my ancestors??
- yeah you nazi
- im not even german, and my ancestors were farmers, you’re just a loxist.
- what did you just say?? i can cancel you, my uncle is ceo of a pension fund, and mine is magistrate
- yeah literally loxism that’s what i said
- you’re just a f***ing antisemitic trash
- no bc you see i have many jew friends whose uncles are neither lawyers or bankers, they’re just real people from real world and we love each other, can’t understand it you privileged rich don’t you?

by CaptainHDCX May 18, 2024

11👍 2👎


CSC is a french acronym meaning "contre son camp", literally : against his side.

This acronym is used when someone criticizes something that concerns them.

Straight guy you know tweets :

"this random guy is hot"

and your gay friend qrt "haha gay", you’re entitled to answer "csc".

by CaptainHDCX October 10, 2021

56👍 2👎


NTR is a french slang abbreviation meaning “nique ta race” literally “fuck your (own) race”.

It’s used similarly to “go fuck yourself”, which is said ”va te faire foutre”.

A common variant is NTM, for “nique ta mère” meaning “fuck your mom”.

For this post both abbreviations are in capital but they are most of the time in lowercase unless caps lock of course.



- T’es allé chez le coiffeur ?
- Ouiiii
- C’est super moche
- ntr

by CaptainHDCX June 14, 2024

1👍 1👎


BDG is a french acronym that means : « bandeur de gadgi » or « bandeur de gadgo ».

It is used to talk about a person that’s always ready to f*ck with girls (gadgi) or boys (gadgo), or just a person that is easily horny because of them.

Your friend sees a very not sfw fanart of an anime character, and tweets that she’s his sexual slave and would suck his d*ck for hours : you can answer “bdg”.

by CaptainHDCX February 28, 2022

10👍 2👎


Feur (phonetically fəʁ) is a word used after another word finishing by “quoi” kwa like :

quoi = what
pourquoi = why

link up these syllables creates “kwafəʁ” which is the prononciation of the word “coiffeur” (literally hairdresser)

it’s a (very unfunny) french pun. Usually we use “feur” when the word “quoi” or “pourquoi” ends the sentence but it’s not an obligation

you know what is not an obligation? this joke pls do not do it

- Tu fais quoi ?
- feur
- pas drôle + ratio

by CaptainHDCX March 28, 2023

4👍 1👎


Portmanteau of the words “nigger” and “instagram” to talk about the “black instagram” like there’s a gay instagram, german instagram, french instagram, and so on.

This term isn’t generally used in an offensive way, but mostly in a friendly or amusing way.

*Sends an funny reel to a black friend.*
- 🤣🤣 since when you go into the nigram?

by CaptainHDCX August 22, 2024