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Junie & TheHutFriends

Junie & TheHutFriends are my favourite band! It consists of vocalist Junie Grey, synthist Tall Friend, trianglist (?) Ripped Friend, and other bandmates who I'm unsure of their instruments Smart Friend, Crime Friend, and Wise Guy...friend... ahem. Anyway, my favourite songs by them are:
Drown Me! (my super all-time favourite song :D)
The Consequence of Imagination is Fear
Bloody! Bloody!
Watch Your Back!!!
I Wanna Tell You A Secret

Person 1: I love Junie & TheHutFriends!
Person 2: Me too! I'm getting their Third Eye tee in a few weeks!
Person 1: Nice! I've got their Kissing Leaf shirt!
Person 2: Lucky! It looks so cool!

by CaptainWaffles303 May 20, 2024