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RKK is a raid group on discord owned by Hawkeye, standing for the Royal Kignites of the Konquerland. It is currently recruiting members and it has connections to real hacker groups like Apophis Squad, etc. They have many skilled coders. They own K-grade, standing for Kingsgrad Grade.

Ayo it's an RKK member, they're real shit and not to be messed around with.

by Cargillis April 29, 2021

8👍 31👎


Standing for The United Kingnites of the Krown, it is a "hacktivist" group that came from a civil war with another hacktivist group named Hells Angels (not the motorcycle gang) In its early days it was named KONA which stood for "Konzosiation of the Nine Armies". it is a group full of skids, furries, weebs, skid furries, skid weebs, pedophiles, etc. and it has a coding-illiterate jackass leader who hates everything and everyone for no reason. If this group goes against you, either on youtube or discord, you have no reason to fear them on either side. The best weapon in their arsenal are either viruses, IP grabbers, or token loggers, all of which can be avoided by something called common sense, and they're terrible at coercion. You have no reason to fear them on YouTube either, because if you're on YouTube, things like token loggers and viruses are instantly out of the question because you can't attach files on youtube, IP loggers are easily avoidable, and they argue like children. TLDR: UKK are nothing but incompetent pedophile skids that shit themselves when you fuck with their ego.

UKK Leader: "Death To Spam Raiding Hail UKK"
Chad Raider: "You're a child groomer who skids off of repl.it who thinks he's hot shit with his shitty nukebot that does five pings a second."
UKK Leader: "You Will Get Hacked For Rebellion Against The Supreme Fatherland. Your Days Are Limited, Slave. 🙂"
Chad Raider: "You and your so-called "hacker" army literally can't code for shit. What you gonna do? Look for something off of github while raging because even you know you're an incompetent asshole?"
UKK Leader: (Blocks Chad Raider, develops rage, and tries to skid scripts off of github)

by Cargillis May 29, 2021

40👍 13👎